EEC 116 - Homework 2

Do work individually and show all work.

Upload the following to canvas before the deadline to receive credit.

  1. Make one screenshot each of tic.mag and top.mag. Paste these into a document and convert to a pdf (sorry, I believe this is the only format that works with canvas' speedgrader).

  2. Log onto Canvas, click Assignments, find the correct Hwk number

  3. Upload the screenshots

[60 points total]

  1. [20 pts] Draw a "tic tac toe" board with 2 lines by 2 lines (making 3 squares by 3 squares) using metal1 and metal2. Place vias between the layers at each intersection and save the layout in its own cell called tic (tic.mag file).

  2. [20 pts] Instantiate enough copies of your tic subcell in a cell called "top" to create a larger board consisting of 9 by 9 uniform and aligned squares. Verify connections by using the "s" macro command.

  3. [20 pts] Draw a large rectangle around the entire structure in metal3 in "top" and connect it to the other metals. Verify connections by using the "s" macro command.

EEC 116 | B. Baas | ECE Dept. | UC Davis
2023/10/11  Posted