Working From Off Campus

Using ECE Linux Computers in Kemper Hall or Remotely

ECE IT Documentation and FAQs

Logging into ECE machines using ssh (secure shell)

Logging into ECE machines using guacamole

Available ECE machines

VNC (optional, but robust against dropped connections)

Moving Files Between Your Computer and ECE Machines

Magic/IRSIM Binaries (not recommended)

Source Code

Additional Links

EEC 116 | B. Baas | ECE Dept. | UC Davis
2020/11/12  Added .Xresources files instructions
2020/10/20  Re-wrote putty instructions and put into a shareable file
2020/10/07  Added VPN test using browser
2020/10/05  Correction there are 2 VPNs, not just the CoE one
2020/10/01  Added VPN instructions
2018/06/29  Added MacOS section and some cleanup
2014/10/13  Minor cleanups
2013/10/08  Clean up plus link to VCN tutorial
2009/04/11  Updated to include RealVNC
2008/04/11  Updated to include Xming
2006/06/08  Updated magic/irsim binaries
2006/06/06  Updated magic/irsim technology files
2006/04/12  Updated for Spring 2006