EEC 180 Tutorial: Installing the Quartus & Modelsim Software Tools

EEC 180, Digital Systems II

This document provides instructions for setting up the Quartus design tool, Modelsim-Intel verilog and FPGA simulator, and System Builder project file setup tool, for use in EEC 18 and EEC 180.

Setting up a Suitable Computer

    As of early 2020, Quartus and Modelsim are available for only the Windows and Linux operating sytems. For students who own a MacOS-based computer, there are several options listed below.

    Windows 10 is available for free for students from the university (perhaps only one copy per student).

    The opinions below have been distilled from a variety of sources.

  1. Borrow a Windows or Linux machine

    The obvious easy choice.

  2. Dual boot Windows on your Mac using Boot Camp

    Installing Windows using Boot Camp might be a better choice if you have a Mac with very limited hardware resources such as a slow processor and a small amount of RAM. The major disadvantage of Boot Camp is that switching from MacOS to Windows (and back) requires a reboot each time which is very time consuming.

  3. Install a Windows virtual machine on your Mac using VMware

    VMware Fusion Pro 11.x is available for free given the students access the CoE IT on the hub webpage, VMware is also available on the UC Davis hub site but it is not free there.

    Both Parallels and VMware allow users to open up individual Windows programs directly from the Dock.

    VMware benchmarks much higher for 3D graphics and for gaming, especially with OpenGL.

    One student had slow VMware response until he allocated 2 GB RAM and 2 cores to the VM—then everything ran fine. 4 GB of RAM is even better.

  4. Install a Windows virtual machine on your Mac using Parallels

    Parallels costs a discounted price of $39.99 on UCD IT hub webpage.

    Both VMware and Paralles have a set up wizard to go through the installation process; however Parallels seems to guide a lot more throughout the installation process. One report says that Parallels works better than VMware in terms of user friendliness.

    Both Parallels and VMware allow users to open up individual Windows programs directly from the Dock.

    Parallels tends to boot faster than VMware, transfer files faster, and saves battery life better than VMware.

    Parallels - (UC Davis IT Hub page) - $39.99/year

  5. ssh into ECE Linux machines and run Quartus and Modelsim there

    One problem with this approach is the unavailability of linux support for the System Builder tool. However, students can create a Quartus project directly and write verilog for the DE-10 board I/Os correctly in the top module once they are familiar, and that way there is no need for System Builder.

    The file includes a template top-level module and other required files which take care of pin assignments and I/O standard settings generated from System Builder. This process is a little tricky because of the dependencies among the files but the process is workable.

    All files inside the unzipped "majority" folder are for the "majority" project, which should be good for lab 1. Students can perform the following changes for a new project:

    Command to run Quartus prime 16.1 : /software/Altera/16.1/quartus/bin/quartus &

    Command to setup Modelsim : setup modelsim

    Command to run Modelsim : vsim &

  6. Dual boot Linux on your Mac

    This is believed to be possible but has not been investigated.

Installing Quartus, Modelsim, and SystemBuilder

    Follow the instructions in the Quartus, Modelsim, and SystemBuilder Software Installation Guide

Special Instructions for EEC 181 Students Using the DE1-SoC

  1. Quartus version download instructions: The Quartus tool uses either "ModelSim" or "Questa" as the default design simulation software. Quartus version 21 onwards comes with "Questa" as the default simulation software. Make sure to install Quartus version 20.1 (which is the latest version with ModelSim as the design simulation software).

    ModelSim and Questa are both simulation tools for digital design verification. Questa is the advanced version, offering additional features like UVM support, better performance, and tighter integration with the Mentor Graphics ecosystem. However, it comes at a higher cost compared to ModelSim, which is a more basic version. The choice depends on specific requirements and budget considerations. For the EEC 181A/B course, ModelSim is sufficient.

  2. In case you are having trouble receiving the verification email from Intel, you may download the files including the "Standard" version of Quartus from this google drive:

  3. Connect to one of the UCD VPNs.
    One is the campus Pulse Secure VPN:
    Notice that the VPN server address does not include "library" like the address for the http tutorial.

  4. Setup license. The DE1-SoC board is not compatible with the free "Lite" version of quartus so you must instead use the "Standard" version which requires a license. The department has a floating license served by a network license server that is restricted to students enrolled in EEC 181. To enable your Standard version of Quartus to use a license from this server, you must be connected to the UCD VPN, launch the program, and then set the license to

  5. For the board to operate in the FPGA fabric mode which is what we will normally use for EEC 181, set the DIP switches on the board as shown in the User Manual (link is on the main course web page) page 12. The switches will need to be put in different positions to run linux on the "hard processor" side of the FPGA chip.

EEC 181 | B. Baas | ECE Dept. | UC Davis
Written by Bevan Baas, Satyabrata Sarangi, and Ziyuan Dong
2021/01/17  Filled out 181 section
2020/04/16  Added Boot Camp section and corrected some typos
2020/04/06  Expanded, debugged, added SystemBuilder install section
2020/03/31  Much new data and "" added
2020/03/30  Written