Collaboration Policy

There can be a fine line between working together appropriately and inappropriately. Working with others, asking questions, and explaining concepts are important steps in the learning process and are strongly encouraged. Copying someone else's work or allowing your work to be copied in any setting (hwk, lab, exams, etc.) does not promote learning, is unfair to honest students, is not allowed in this course, and will be immediately reported to Student Judicial Affairs as is now required by university policy. Students that observe inappropriate activity should report what they see (anonymously if desired) to a TA or the instructor.

Make sure you read the UCD Code of Academic Conduct.

The remainder of this document attempts to make the separation between encouraged collaboration and unpermitted collaboration as clear as possible. If in doubt, play it safe and ask the instructor first!

Encouraged collaboration

Permitted collaboration, but only if documented

Unpermitted collaboration

Read SJA's Suggestions for Avoiding Academic Misconduct.

Read Student Affairs' Stress, Academic Honesty and the Pandemic.

This policy is based on the collaboration policy used in CS 106X at Stanford University.

EEC 116 | B. Baas | ECE Dept. | UC Davis
2005/03/07  Minor edits
2017/02/04  Minor edits
2017/05/31  Minor edits
2018/06/28  Minor edits
2018/09/26  Significant restructuring to sync versions
2019/01/07  Minor edits
2020/11/22  Added articles by SJA and Student Affairs