Grading Policy:
(a) Your take-home exam is to be returned in class on the date designated on the exam.
(b) Exams 3 days late will receive 50% of the points that would normally be allocated.
(c) Exams over 3 days late will receive no points.
(d) Only correct answers will be graded.
(c) No points are given for guessing, multiple answers nor ambiguous answers. No bonus points are given for trying. You are an engineer, your bridge is either standing or is collapsing, the airplane you designed (or one of hundreds of microprocessors controlling the operation in that airplane) is the airplane I fly on, or - even worse: mine and possibly your child.
(e) You can discuss your grade with Bart Zeydel in 2221 Kemper Hall., only if there is a clerical error, error in addition or if you believe that your answer was correct, but not understood. No negotiations and unnecessary harassment of the TA. It this occurs on more than one occasion (2 times) - I will restrict your access to the TA.
(f) Grades will be posted continuously on the web all the time (using only 6 last digits of your ID for identification purposes).
(g) If you did not bring your complaint / objection to the TA or to the Professor 7 days after the grades were posted, it is assumed they are correct and no further discussion will be allowed. (does this remind you on your bank statement ?). All the grades will be posted by the last week of classes and you are required to check their accuracy during the final week. Absolutely no discussion about your grades will be allowed after the final week of classes.
We strive to assure fairness in grading: that means that everyone receives equal treatment.
*Any objections to this policy should be brought to the attention of the professor by October 20th. I will discuss it in class in a fair and open manner. If no objections are received, it is assumed that this policy is unanimously accepted.