ECE 278: Selected Papers
- Kilburn T., D. B. G. Edwards, and D. Aspinall, “Parallel Addition in Digital Computers: A New
Fast “Carry” Circuit”, Proceedings of IEE, Vol 106, pt B, p.464,
September 1959.
- V. G.
Oklobdzija and E. R. Barnes, "Some
Optimal Schemes For ALU Implementation In VLSI Technology," Proceedings
of the 7th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic ARITH-7, pp. 2-8.
Reprinted in Computer Arithmetic, E. E. Swartzlander, (editor),
Vol. II, pp. 137-142, 1985.
- V. G.
Oklobdzija and E. R. Barnes, "On
Implementing Addition In VLSI Technology," IEEE Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing, No. 5, pp. 716-728, 1988.
- V. G. Oklobdzija, "Simple
And Efficient CMOS Circuit For Fast VLSI Adder Realization",
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pp. 1-4, 1988.
- A. Weinberger and J. L. Smith, “A Logic for High-Speed Addition”,
National Bureau of Standards, Circ. 591, p.3-12, 1958.
- A. Naini, D. Bearden and W. Anderson, “A 4.5nS 96b CMOS Adder Design”,
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, May 3-6,
1992, p 25.5.1 - 25.5.4.
- B. D. Lee and
V. G. Oklobdzija, "Improved CLA
Scheme With Optimized Delay," Journal of VLSI Signal
Processing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 265-274, 1991.
- H. Ling, “High-Speed
Binary Adder”, IBM J. Res. Dev., vol.25, p.156-66, 1981.
- S. Nafziger, “A Sub-Nanosecond 0.5um 64b Adder
Design”, Digest of Technical Papers, 1996 IEEE International
Solid-State Circuits Conference,
San Francisco, 8-10 Feb. 1996, p.362 –363.
- R. P. Brent and H. T. Kong, “A Regular Layout for Parallel Adders”,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-31, No.3, March 1982, p.260-264.
- J. Sklansky, “Conditional-Sum
Addition Logic”, IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-9,
p.226-231, 1960.
- O. J. Bedrij, “Carry-Select
Adder”, IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, June 1962, p.340-34
- A. Farooqui,
V. G. Oklobdzija, F. Chehrazi, "Multiplexer
Based Adder for Media Signal Processing", 1999 International
Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan,
June 8-10, 1999.