EEC 272: High-Performance Computer Architecture: Super-Scalar Processor Design Spring 2003
Telephone: 752-5634
Office Hours: Tu-Thr 4:30-5pm, and by appointment via e-mail
Course Description:
This course covers topics in high-performance computer design and architecture. Previous knowledge of computer architecture as well as computer design is necessary in order to attend and follow this course. The course deals with relationship between architecture and details of high-performance implementation. Examples and highlights of modern microprocessors are discussed. The course teaches design techniques used in modern high-performance microprocessors and would enable the student with the knowledge required to enter such a design team.
Course Outline:
This course would largely be following the textbook chapters. The outline of the topics covered is listed bellow:
I. Processor Design:
A. The Evolution of MicroprocessorsB. Instruction Set Processor Design
C. Principles of Processor Performance
D. Instruction-Level Parallel Processing
II Pipelined Processors:
A. Pipeline Design FundamentalsB. Pipelined Processor Design
C. Deeply Pipelined Processors
D. Encoding an Instruction Set
III. Superscalar Organization:
A. Limitation of Scalar PipelinesB. From Scalar to Superscalar Pipelines
C. Superscalar Pipeline Overview
IV. Superscalar Techniques:A. Instruction Flow Techniques
B. Register Data Flow Techniques
C. Memory Data Flow Techniques
VII. Survey of Superscalar Processors:
A. Development of Superscalar Processors
B. A Classification of Recent Designs
C. Processor Descriptions:
Compaq / DEC Alpha | |
Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC | |
Intel i960 | |
Intel IA32 | |
MIPS | |
Motorola 88220 | |
IBM Power | |
PowerPC: The PowerPC 620 | |
SPARC Version 8 &9 |
VIII. Advanced Register Data Flow Techniques:
A. Value Locality and Redundant Execution
B. Exploiting Value Locality without Speculation
C. Exploiting Value Locality with Speculation
IX. Executing Multiple Threads:
A. Synchronizing Shared-Memory Threads
B. Introduction to Multi-Processor Systems
C. Explicitly Multithreaded Processors
D. Implicitly Multithreaded Processors
E. Executing the Same Thread
EEC270 or equivalent coursework / knowledge of computer design.
1. John P. Shen, Mikko Lipasti, "Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors", McGraw-Hill Publishing, to be published.
Alternate Books:
1. M. Johnson, "Superscalar Microprocessor Design", Prentice Hall, 1991.
Helpfull Books:
1. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1996.
2. Readings in Computer Architecture edited by Mark D. Hill, Norman P. Jouppi, and Gurindar S. Sohi - web component
3. Siewiorek, Bell, Newell, "Computer Structures: Principles and Examples", McGraw-Hill Publishing 1982.
4. V.
G. Oklobdzija, Set of selected papers and notes.
Homeworks: 40%
Quizzes: 15%
Exam: 45%
Project (optional) 40% (of additional credit used against any of the above)