Lab Report Requirements
The lab reports are intended to serve two equally important purposes. First, they indicate your technical comprehension of the topics addressed in the labs, and second, they indicate your ability to present and discuss your results in a clear and concise manner. You will be graded on both aspects of your report.
The suggested format for your lab report is given below. This is just a sample format and it represents the minimum amount of information you should include in your report. Please feel free to add more sections and to discuss your findings in greater detail.
1. Objectives: State clearly what you set out to achieve in this lab. If this differs from what you finally achieved, explain it in the "Conclusions" section. Please do not copy the objectives verbatim from the lab handout. Think about it, interpret it, and explain it the best you can, in your own words.
2. Parts: List all the parts you used in the design.
3. Design and Test Procedure: For each subsection of the lab, explain the following:
(a) Step-by-step description of what you did. Include as many details as possible, and once again, write it in your own words.
(b) All necessary calculations as well as all pin-to-pin circuit diagrams of your design. If applicable, you may use a modular approach in presenting your design – first, give a top-level block diagram, and then elaborate on each block. Please make sure your figures are consistent, legible and well labeled.
(c) Your testing procedure. Explain how you went about testing your design. Did you try testing critical individual blocks first? Once again, your testing approach should be as modular as possible.
4. Results and Answers to Questions: For each subsection of the lab, present your results in a clear and concise manner (label graph axes, include all units of measurement). Note down all your observations, even if you were not specifically asked for them in the handout. Interpret your results and discuss the accuracy of your measurements. Additionally, answer all questions listed in the lab handout.
5. Conclusions: In this section you should attempt to answer the questions: What did you learn from this lab? What did you do wrong (or what went wrong)? How could you have improved upon your design and test procedures? Were your results as expected or did you find something unusual. Try not to include information that you have included in previous sections. Present the significance of your results conceptually, if applicable, (e.g. this experiment demonstrates that pipelining increases design performance for a relatively low increase in design area. The CAD tool does not capture the glitching behavior accurately.)