General Lab Protocols |
Cell Culture Protocols Primary
Neuron-Glia Tri-Culture Primary
Neuron-Glia Co-Culture Media Primary
Neuron-Glia Co-Culture Caco-2
Cell Culture in Cloning Cylinder |
Cell Staining Protocols Tubulin-βIII
Stain (Entire Neuron) |
Microfluidic Protocols |
Electrochemistry Protocols Solution
Preparation: 0.5 M Sodium Bicarbonate and 75 mM Magnesium Chloride Solution
Preparation: 1x PBS, 20 µM Methylene-Blue, 1 mM MCH DNA
Probe and Target Aliquoting Quantification
of DNA using UV-Vis DNA
Reduction and Immobilization |
General Fabrication
Techniques |
Nanoporous Gold (np-Au)
Fabrication AuAg Precursor Alloy Fabrication Laser
Annealing & Morphology Library Fabrication |
Material Characterization
Techniques |
EDUCATIONAL GAMES There is a need for educational
tools that can reach to a growing number of students and the general public
with minimal resources to access laboratory courses that require expensive
infrastructure, such as a microfabrication facility. In order to address this
need, we have developed educational computer games that simulates a
microfabrication laboratory and teaches the essential techniques, such as wet
chemistry and photolithography, in an interactive manner. The games are
available at the links below. Please fill out the brief survey at the Credits
scene of each game to provide feedback towards improving them. Please contact
Prof. Erkin Şeker if you have any
questions/comments. |