1. To run HSPICE in Linux on an input file named "file.sp", type "hspice file.sp > ! file.out" Note: The exclamation point in the above command allows the computer to overwrite any previously named "file.out" 2. To plot a waveform from an HSPICE output using cscope in Linux, type "cscope" 3. Follow the directions for first-time use of this program if appropriate. 4. Click on the folder icon This opens a new small window for "Open Plotfiles, Graphs, or Outlines" 5. In the new window, click on the file for which you'd like to look at plots. For example, if your input file is file.sp, click on file.tr0 to look at the transient response. Note: To produce a "file.tr0" file when you run HSPICE, the input file ("file.sp") should have the following line: .options post=2 6. Click "Open" 7. This opens two new windows, one called Signal Manager and the other called file.tr0. 8. In the file.tr0 window, click on the waveform you'd like to plot. For example, click on "v(out)" 9. Click "Plot" 10. To refresh the plot after a new simulation, click the wraparound arrow icon (which is next to the folder icon).